Sunday, February 7, 2016

Sheik Al Junaydi in the Thief and the Dogs

What does Sheik al Junaydi represent in The Thief and the Dogs? How is he significant to the characterization of Said Mahran? How does he contribute to the themes of the text?

In the Thief and the Dogs Said Mahran, as the protagonist, displays his own ideology and view of things. First of all it must be mentioned that he himself lives deceived since his perspective of justice is a biased perspective that has been modified and adapted to his own aims and to his own advantage. Right after Said is freed from prison, it is shown how he was betrayed by his best friend Ilish, who handed him to the police, and started anew life with Said's wife Nabawiyya. Due to this fact throughout the story, Said tries to take revenge on Ilish, and Nabawiyya for taking Said's daughter away from him, and for ruining his life.

Before analyzing Sheik Junaydi's role in the Thief and the Dogs it is important to establish a context that explains the reason why Mahfouz decided to include him in the story. First off, as the tragic hero that Said is, his actions are driven by impulse, and not by rational thought. Not being able to start a new life after being imprisoned, Said's main aim is to take revenge on those that betrayed him. Therefore Ilish for telling the police that he is a Thief, and showing proof, and Nabawiyya for escaping with Ilish, and for letting Ilish be Sana's father figure. At this point we already see a sort of bias that shows how Said's concept of justice is sort of biased. Even if Said was a thief, and went to jail due to the fact that he stole many things for his own good, he blames Ilish, who according to Said, is the one and only guilty individual. Therefore we already see how Said's morals and values shift, and change concepts so that the outcome suits his situation, and adds to his advantage. As an example we can look at Said's ideology that states how the ends justify the means.

At this point, we already know that Said's values sort of adapt or modify justice and what is right or wrong depending on Said's situation. Now that this has been stated, it is possible to see how the Sheik Al Junaydi acts as a moral referee, or spiritual leader in the story.

When Said feels that he has lost everything right after he is released from prison, he decides to seek help at the Sheik's expense. On the other hand, as a spiritual leader that has to be an example for the others, the Sheik acts according the the values that his religion convey, and offers shelter and food to Said. Therefore in this situation we can see already two opposing views that are portrayed in the story. First off Said, reminding that his dad used to be friends with the Sheik, and reminding about the Sheik's mercy, he decides to take advantage of this to have shelter and food. On the other hand, the Sheik, knowing Said's situation after being freed from prison, decides to act as a spiritual leader that acts according to his values, and offers Said shelter and food. In this situation we can see how Mahfouz's use of the Sheik represents how the Sheik does not merely want to offer shelter and food to Said,but also offers Said spiritual guidance telling him "Take a copy of the Koran and read..."

What this gesture symbolizes, is how Said understand how there are still individuals in society that are able to give second opportunities, and that stay true to their values, and who do not switch their values depending on times, and depending on profit. When it comes to effect on Said, it could be said that there is an ethical contrast between Raouf Ilwan ans the Sheik, who are character that hold completely opposite ethics.

On the one hand Raouf, as the Marxist teacher that used Said transmitting him his values, becomes a wealthy middle class individual that after Said is freed from prison does not want to give him shelter, and does not have any interest in Said whatsoever. On other hand, the Sheik Al Juneydi, is a character that makes Said remember about his father, and about an individual that has always been merciful, polite, and loyal to Said. Therefore based on the way that the Sheik actswithSaid, it is correct to say that the Sheik is a moral guidance for Said, that whenever talks with Said, makes him question his own ideology, that one ideology that absorbs Said's own life, and shapes his actions.

In addition to this in what concerns theme, linking back to Said's view or perspective of justice, from my point of view I believe that the Sheik's view is an example of unbiased justice that tries to show Said's view of justice's weaknesses. What this tells us is that, the Sheik's view acts as an archetype of balanced and  correctly ethical view that tries to persuade Said so that Said's view of justice changes. In all the times that Said meets the Sheik, the Sheik wants to transmit his values, and view to Said through quoting the Koran, and through motivating Said to reflect on himself, his attitude, and his past. Therefore the looking at it through a more symbolic view Sheik's values and messages could represent Said's conscience, that burns his inside. What this means is that throughout the novel Said shows that the most important thing for him is his ideology, and taking revenge on Ilish and Nabawiyya, although when he meets the Sheik his foundation starts shaking, and he  starts reflecting and questioning his ideology and his actions.

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