Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The text 1 is an advertisement released in the 1920's in the United States of America that directly addresses the first class individuals with the purpose of persuading them to believe that the cruise that the company releasing the advertisement offers is the best of the best in what concerns travelling around the Caribbean. In order to do this, images are used to portray high class individuals that might appeal to others that see this advertisement, feeling attracted to the advertisement graphic, and therefore paying attention. On the other hand text 2 is an article that approaches an ownership conflict regarding the possession of land in the Caribbean. On the one side the local people claim that the territory was theirs since decades ago, while businessmen claim that the land was legally bought long ago, and should be used for construction. In contrast with text 1 this article's purpose is to inform more than persuade, although there is an intention behind the use of literary imageries, that have as intention promote an ideology that could bias the view of the audience. Even though these text might address different audiences, and have different purposes, the theme of power is addressed in both texts. In the first text, being a period of time in the US in which the black population could not have as many rights as the white population, the white high class individuals are portrayed as the part of the population that is able to access to the privilege of a traveling in a cruise, while in the second text,through the use of imageries, it is visible how the businessmen are portrayed as a group in society that has power and influence, to obtain land, being allowed to carry out certain methods that are not the most orthodox.

Looking at the context of these two texts, they have been published or released in 1920, and 2007, which are different periods of time in which different values, or morals were present in the individuals of society. Text 1, being an advertisement released in 1920 in the US, it is addressing the high social class of the 1920's directly, as it is indicated right bellow the tittle of the advertisement. The high class at that time experienced an inequality regarding power in society between the white population, and the black population of the US. Besides of this, this period of time the period of time in which text 1 was published was a period in which the US experienced an economic boom, or boost that allowed many citizens to afford a costly vacation easily, while also was a period of time in which colonization of territories by powerful countries was a common, and actual thing. On the other hand, text 2 was published in 2007 in a magazine article directed to high class entrepreneurs, and business man. This period of time contrasts with the 1920's since it is a period of time more recent in which high class individuals have different values. High class individuals in this period of time could not access to this class as easily as in the 1920's, therefore in order to be part of this social class, the value of benefits and opportunities to make profit are ranked as a priority for this high class individuals.

Both of these texts are targeting a specific audience, there are similarities between these audiences, although there is evidence in this texts that point out the varied differences. Text 1, being an advertisement or high class people, conveys the message that ordinary individuals of society can not access the service being advertised since it is considered the best among the best cruisers that exist. First off, the advertisement directly addresses high class individuals right bellow the tittle where it says " Only first class Passengers Carried". Besides of this the graphic that is used to portray the situation in which a passenger is enjoying the travelling in the cruiser has individuals with a type of clothing that only high class individuals of society could afford. Finally, one of the high class women portrayed in the graphic is holding a book, which in some way is sending the message that the individuals on board of this cruise should be only educated, and cultivated. On the other hand, text 2 even though it is targeting social class individuals coming from a high class individuals, the specific targeted audience is entrepreneurs, and business man that are interested in the business of infrastructure development. One of the facts that serves as evidence is that this text was published in the a business section called "Business Monday". Besides of this, since the article discuses a delicate situation in which investors try to take land from a Caribbean island, this information should be most relevant to investors from the US that might have chances to get involved in the situation, or might simply have interest in knowing about the event, since it is completely related to business and development.

In what concerns purpose of the texts they show different purposes, although in the process in which the message reaches the audience, the use of persuasive language is used in both texts. In text 1, the purpose is clearly to convince, or persuade the audience of the high standard quality of the cruise. In order to do this, an arrogant tone is used when comparing the quality of the cruise advertised to the services that other companies might offer when it says "Much cooler than in Summer Resorts further North".Furthermore in order to portray the quality of the cruise the advertisement describes the cruise as " The coolest Ships Afloat". Finally the use of a graphic portraying high class individuals that seem to enjoy the atmosphere of the cruise also adds evidence to this statement. On the other hand, text 2 has as purpose to inform the audience of the situation in which the business men and the local people of the Caribbean islands are right now.

The content of these texts is completely different, although the persuasive techniques used in both of em create interest in the audience. First of all as we look at the first text it is possible to identify that the theme of power is present since the high class is portrayed as the unique class that can access this privilege. The content of this text can be broken down into three body paragraphs, a title, and two visuals. In the first paragraph of the text 1 the advertisement explains the locations where the cruise travels, while also comparing the price of the cruiser to the price of a normal vacation, considering that the individuals on board are used to spend a certain amount of money on vacations. Besides of this in the second paragrah it is recognizable how the tone of the advertisement, as already mentioned, starts to use persuasive techniques again comparing this cruise to a standard vacation. Finally, in the last paragraph the advertisement keeps using factual information to persuade the audience of the quality of the cruise. Nonetheless the content of text 2 is very different, although the theme of power is also present, as we see how again there is use of factual information to describe the privileges of a certain group of people of society. First of the article uses an example of the life of a local person that lives in an Caribbean island, that wants to defend the argument that the land that now American investors want to use belongs to the local people who has been working on it for decades. Throughout the text, the author uses testimonies of local people that want to defend their right to live in the island in order to not face eviction.Finally, there is also information that points out that the situation becomes harder day by day for the local people, since they have to face entrepreneurs that want this land to build infrastructure, and use it as economic benefit. In summary, it is recognizable that the text shows how the power of these entrepreneurs can take land for economic purposes in an unfair way, therefore showing how the theme of power is implied. It is possible to interpret this looking at evidence taken from the last paragraph of the text which says , " Developers and speculators will use any means necessary to get the land from the people.

In conclusion these two texts portray power held by high class of society as common theme. This idea is supported by the use of imagery, graphics, and testimonies, that show how social class individuals are able to enjoy several pleasures that not every individual is able to access.

Monday, November 16, 2015

HL Paper 1 Introduction

The text 1 is an advertisement released in the 1920's in the United States of America that directly addresses the first class individuals with the purpose of persuading them to believe that the cruise that the company releasing the advertisement offers is the best of the best in what concerns travelling around the Caribbean. In order to do this, images are used to portray high class individuals that might appeal to others that see this advertisement, feeling attracted to the advertisement graphic, and therefore paying attention. On the other hand text 2 is an article that approaches an ownership conflict regarding the possession of land in the Caribbean. On the one side the local people claim that the territory was theirs since decades ago, while businessmen claim that the land was legally bought long ago, and should be used for construction. In contrast with text 1 this article's purpose is to inform more than persuade, although there is an intention behind the use of literary imageries, that have as intention promote an ideology that could bias the view of the audience. Even though these text might address different audiences, and have different purposes, the theme of power is addressed in both texts. In the first text, being a period of time in the US in which the black population could not have as many rights as the white population, the white high class individuals are portrayed as the part of the population that is able to access to the privilege of a traveling in a cruise, while in the second text,through the use of imageries, it is visible how the businessmen are portrayed as a group in society that has power and influence, to obtain land, being allowed to carry out certain methods that are not the most orthodox.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Propaganda 4 Corner Reflection

Deception is just as bad as telling an outright lie.

From my point of view, this statement is pretty true, and portrays and accurate definition of lie according to several ethic views, and also according to a religious perspective. Therefore, I strongly agree with this statement since I believe that even if the outcome of deception is positive and has proper, and good intentions, it has to be considered a lie that does not show the reality that is out there.

As an example, the propaganda of the 2003 war clearly shows an example of deception used to portray a situation that is actually fabricated by Hollywood film experts, and media corporations. As the second British secretary of war pointed out, the use of a specific situation that is portrayed as an amazing heroic achievement of the American army, only portrays the image that the war is being a success for the American camp. This new was manipulated as the doctors attending the rescued American soldier pointed out,  so that the American population received a complete opposite message that portrayed a different situation than the actual situation in the war.

It is reasonable that a country obviously wants to also inform of the achievements of the army in a war, but there a different intention when an event is manipulated an made look more important and heroic than it actually was, in order to portray an image that is not real to the population of your country. The soldier that was injured and kept in the hospital of Iraq received a good attention and treatment that was not being included in the new report, while also many unnecessary maneuvers were carried out by the American government just for the media in order to obtain a good piece of film that could portray this illusion.

Finally many British war historians argue that the actual situation of the American army in the Iraq war of 2003 was completely opposite to what they were portraying in their Tv news, also adding that several strategic events had been a complete failure. Therefore as conclusion I believe that the truth has to be provided no matter what the situation is in a war, having the people believing in a false illusion is a double edged sword that will definitely affect trust on media.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Biased Article Analysis


On 27th September Catalonia's voters determined the political future of the country. As it has been estimated 77.4% of the voters decided to vote political countries that are in favor of the independence of Catalonia from the Spanish government. At this point in time, the majority of the Catalonian parliament seats are believed to be occupied by independents, being 75, out of 135 seats, while the unionists make up the remaining seats.

These elections therefore become the first way in which Catalonian citizens were able to express their support on the idea of Independence, since by law the process was very long due to the fact that the Spanish constitution does not allow such referendums to take place. Such process is proved to be supported by the citizens, who constantly, and pacifically showed support to this belief of independence, during the period of time of four years. On the other hand, many of the Catalonia citizens are against the independence, proof of this is the number of citizens that did not take this referendum seriously, who did not even bother to go to vote against it.

After the support of the public was displayed, several political parties in favor of the independence of Catalonia, such as CDC centre, and ERC, decided to unify since the aim of all of them  is believe to be similar according to their political aims. Although there are confrontations for sure, even though many of the parties have displayed the desire of supporting the independence of Catalonia. Besides of this, not only politicians but also member of the establishment, such as university teachers in political science have shown their varied opinions. From this group, there have been several figures who have supported the unity in the belief of the independence, and helped to keep the opinion of the civilians the same, during protests, and marchs.

The history of the Catalonian parliament has shown the presence of a self government since 1359, and the presence of a dialect, that could be considered a language. This facts point out that in the history of the Catalonian culture, there has always been a feeling of separation, due to language, different political beliefs, causing Spansh Civil war. Although it is of vital importance to have in mind that other regions of Spain have dialects as well, being in the same situation as Catalonia, which shows that there must be an equal consideration for all the regions of the country.